why has my philadelphus never flowered?
By Fibijane
United Kingdom
i have had it for about 4 years. it is in a large container and although produces lots of foliage each year and seems healthy it has never flowered. does anyone know why or what i need to do to get it to flower? the reason i bought it was for its fragrant flowers
15 Apr, 2009
Does it get any sun?
15 Apr, 2009
I've had a golden leaved one for about six years. It struggles to make just a few flowers but I'm sure that's because a tree branch has grown above it and blocks the sun. I keep it because the leaves are such a lovely colour in spring.
15 Apr, 2009
Are you pruning at the right time, should be done in late summer after it flowers. Spring pruning will remove that years flowers. I have Belle etoile in a pot, south facing and it flowers ok
15 Apr, 2009
There are some Philadelphus that never flower, some that flower in a year and some that take 4 or more years.
Do you know which one you have, which may help?
Or, just be patient for a while longer. You could try changing the soil/compost and give it some fertilizer too.
15 Apr, 2009