Please help, growing Arum Lilies for a wedding!!!
By Vertygerty
United Kingdom
Sorry really need someones help as I'm not a gardener at all! Black finger rather than green but I do try. I have about 15 plants and every year they come up wonderfully without being eaten by slugs and by the middle of May, so I decided to use them at my wedding for table centres. This year, of course they are really taking their time, with only a few green sprouts I'm being in to panic (the wedding is 23rd May!). Is there anything I can do to hurry them along???????? Plant food anything?
16 Apr, 2009
Assuming they are in the ground there is nothing you can do the past winter was long and cold and a lot of bulbs are taking their time coming up and flowering. You could try putting cloches over them but you run the risk of them getting burnt. The easiest thing for your own stress level would be to forget using them and find different flowers for your table decorations. Where we live mid May would be the earliest they would flower... right now they are barely peeking out of the soil.
16 Apr, 2009
Cover your Arums with barn cloches or bell glasses.
Whitewash the top of the glass to protect them from strong sunlight and scorch.
16 Apr, 2009
perhaps a little warmth. if they are in pots put them in a more sheltered place. if in the ground i personally wouldnt dig them up for fear of killing them. Sure some one else will have a better suggestion
16 Apr, 2009