New South Wales,
Hey everyone!
I need some help identifying a plant!
We moved into our place 5 years ago and found this plant scattered across out garden bed. Only one of the plants seemed to survive but it's flourished. It's one of my favourite plants in the garden! It's sitting in a cold shady spot under several huge trees.
I'd really love to propagate it! I'm not sure how.

18 Mar, 2012
Hi, thanks! Is there any particular way to do this? Are they a member or a professional on the site? Sorry, I'm rather new to this. :)
21 Mar, 2012
im just a member who knows more about ponds and some about plants but an epert im not . just go to the questions page and ask for bamboo is all . i hope you find what your looking for . bye for now x .
21 Mar, 2012
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know answers hmmm . i cant help sorry but i can say why dont you directly ask a plantspersen on here like bamboo or doctorbob ? just a thaught .
19 Mar, 2012