By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
as some of you are aware i will be replacing my pond liner for a rigdet one soon, my worry is at the moment i am overrun with string algea which is a constant nightmare since last summer even though i have added special product and also barley straw, im now worried that when i change my pond shall i or shall i not use any of the exsisting water, im sure it keeps comming back because of it being on the rocks which also lay beneath the water, in my new pond the rocks wont be in the water so will this help stop it.any addvice much appreciated thankyou Guys.
On plant
string algea
18 Mar, 2012
Sting algea...or hair algea is a common problem. Getting the balance right with plants, water and fish is critical. I used to use a product called cloverleaf blanket answer for my koi pond and i never had algea for 3 years.
Not having the rocks won't help as the stuff will grow on the sides of the pond. You need to introduce lillys to cut down on the light in the pond as well as marginals and oxygenators which will hopefully starve the algea of light and nutrients.
Barley straw is only any good at removing green won't touch hair algea.
Best of luck
18 Mar, 2012
hi pam i have 3 fish, small ones which i want to keep but worry about the transfer to,
andy thankyou for addvice, i have one lilly which when it grows the leaves soon go rotten , never stay green, i have oxygenating plant and a few marginal plants, once the new pond is in i hope to have better plants because i have good flat shelves.
i will jot down the name of the product you used thanx :o)
18 Mar, 2012
how deep will the new pond be Sandra, as I have some shallow pink waterlilies that need splitting. you're welcome to some and to some variageted Acoris, [looks like a grass]. let me know if you want any.
as for the blanket weed it will grow no matter what you do if it is present. I used something specifically for it and am now only plagued by duckweed!
18 Mar, 2012
the reasen for the growth is sunlight pure and simple . algi,duck weed etc are all single celled plants that need a lot of sun to survive .get a decent lilly as seaburn sais or put the pond in partial shade or get a pump and a uv light . i wouldnt worry about keeping or not keeping the pond water as its not realy relevent . the trouble with chemicles and killing algi,duck weed etc is its not realy a solution and the dead algi etc will rot and become a problem in itself and its temperary so not a cure anyway .put a pagoda or something over it . remember the algi/duck weed isnt unhealthy infact far from it . its just you want to see your fish but the fish dont care .higher plants also take the food away from the algi .
19 Mar, 2012
I think even changing the liner the algi problem will be very similar San until it really settles and the plants grow which can be quite some time!
Have you seen those aqua planter bags you can plant your marginals in? when filled and wet they settle to the shape and any bumps/slopes in your ledges?
This is one type:
Common Name: Pond planter sock
These planting bags are made from a fine mesh flexible fabric material. They are ideal for ponds with uneven shelves and can be cut to accommodate the required number of plants. Suitable for all aquatic plants.
Allow 12 plug plants per planting sock
90cm long, 20cm wide 10cm deep
Our price: £5.70
19 Mar, 2012
Hi San we had to line the big koi pond last summer, my oh & pal coated the walls with fibreglass abig....smelly job, the fish went into one of them plastic swimming pools with an aerator, we lost one that flipped itself out, the pool was 4 foot deep! All the others survived and thet are big!, we used the original pond water for the pool and changed the water about 3times in the new pond then let it stand for a couple of weeks....also being aerated. So with a bit of care yours should be fine.
19 Mar, 2012
Hi Guys and thankyou so much for your kind advice.
Sea... i have one lily but the leaves seem to be getting nibbled by something and rotting quick, but if your splitting any i would be most gratefull, thankyou:o))
Leigh i may look into having something to shade my new pond as its in sun all day thankyou for that :o))
Denise those sock things sound a great idea, would have been good in my liner pond as the shelves werent brilliant lol, but i may get some for my new pond :o))
Pam thankyou i may use some of this water and top up as i dont have anything big to store all the water while we change the pond,
i have a large toy box to place my fish till i release them back in the pond, just waiting for a bit warmer weather to start :o))
19 Mar, 2012
your more than welcome sanbaz . as for wating i wouldnt if i was you as warm water holds less oxygen than cooler water . also its not so bad putting fish into slightly warmer water but not the other way round . i would do it now if i was you and float your fish so the tempriture is the same .
20 Mar, 2012
thanx for that leigh, will tell OH as he is going to be doing best part of the work, but i can see your point cheers :o)
20 Mar, 2012
any time your more than welcome sanbaz x .
20 Mar, 2012
:o)) cheers Leigh x
20 Mar, 2012
your more than welcome sanbaz x .
20 Mar, 2012
Are you having fish San, we,ve ghost koi and they graze the pond, sometimes we hear sucking noises......
18 Mar, 2012