By Edwards
I have trimmed a cordiline down to 20cm. It now has 5 new shoots.How many shoots should I keep?
Chris Edwards
18 Mar, 2012
It's up to you Chris. I think Cordylines look good as multi stemmed plants. If you want just one stem, cut off the others and just let one grow. There may be a bit of a kink near the bottom, where it comes off the original trunk, but it shouldn't be very noticeable once it gets bigger.
19 Mar, 2012
the more you have the more chance that they will servive another hard winter .
19 Mar, 2012
Thankyou Noseypotter and Beattie. This was helpful.
20 Mar, 2012
your welcome .
20 Mar, 2012
all of them is the best answer realy .
19 Mar, 2012