By Lbsnoop76
United Kingdom
My shed is in a corner in the garden, it was there when i Moved in, it looks in decent condition except one wall in wet! Can i do anything to improve it. I canT get to the outside of it as its in a corner and that wall is against the fence. Can i reinforce it or something from i, or is it time for a new shed?
19 Mar, 2012
Think felt looks ok. There seems to be some old bits of wood and stuff wedges between the fence and shed, ill investigate. Cheers
19 Mar, 2012
Good luck
19 Mar, 2012
Previous question
3 things come to mind - have you checked the roofing felt as this may need replacing and may be causing the wet? Also is the side against the fence clear to allow air to circulate or has this become clogged with growth such as Ivy and or debri? Lasting it could be rising wet from a broken base or leaking drain. You really need to investigate the cause and it may be possible to put this right and then just replace the damaged area.
19 Mar, 2012