West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi guys...Its me again,I have a couple of questions if anyone can help i would be greatfull..
I have 3 large stone pots i want to use,They are aprox..... 40cm across top and 30 cm deep.
Could someone tell what i can put in them,Iwould like something that is evergreen andflowers in spring or summer.Something that will last long time if poss.
The site i wish to put them gets sun from late afternoon.
Thanks guys look forward to hearing from you.
19 Mar, 2012
First, are the pots real stone, reconstituted stone or concrete? Pots with cement in them tend to leach lime into the soil and make it unsuitable for some things, but lining them with black plastic (with drainage holes) should sort this.
A self fertile skimmia wold be happy in this situation and as it only grows slowly should be OK in a big pot for quite a while.
It holds its red flower buds all winter and they open in spring, and then you get red berries in late summer through until the new flowers. They will be happiest in ericaceous compost.
Sorry can't think of any summer flowering evergreens for that position though. You could try sarcococca, again winter flowering, but there would be room to surround it with fibrous rooted begonias in summer.
19 Mar, 2012