By Andybon
United Kingdom
What plants can be grown under a leylandii
19 Mar, 2012
Thanks for that, there is a fairly sunny spot to the north side, but flowering shrubs seem to be stifled even there.
Thought I might try some ornamental grasses or Cordylines
19 Mar, 2012
Euonymus should cope but only if you give it plenty of new soil and water well until it is established
19 Mar, 2012
The euphorbia should grow anywhere. Puzzled how you get a sunny spot on the north side!
20 Mar, 2012
Not a lot. Try euphorbia robbiae. (Send me a PM if you want some, I'm about to dig some out from under a large pine where it is spreading with enthusiasm.) It takes a few years to get going but after that its well away. I have a bit of pulmonaria that's surviving fairly unenthusiastically on the north side of under a six foot cupressus hedge, and so is a clump of iris foetida. I've also recently put in a bit of arum maculata that so far is looking quite healthy much to my surprise. You might have some success with vinca minor too. I don't think any of these would succeed on the south side though - the only sun they ever get filters through the barer gaps at the base of the hedge.
19 Mar, 2012