By Sandra
i wondered if anybody knows what has caused this strange growth in my aeonium?

19 Mar, 2012
thank you Bamboo i have seen it on other plants..this aeonium always flowers...i wonder how it will look...
19 Mar, 2012
Fasciation is fascinating!
20 Mar, 2012
Thanks for the correction, Owdboggy. I tell you, my brain is going - when I typed proliferation, a small, faint alarm bell rang, but no other word was offered up by my brain cells. Fasciation it is, I stand corrected. Although the causes are as I described, it was just the name I got wrong, Sandra.
20 Mar, 2012
Sorry, Bamboo, was not correcting you, was just making a pun.
Fasciation is caused by proliferation of cells at some point on a plant.
20 Mar, 2012
now i remember i've heard that word before...should have remembered as it is very
20 Mar, 2012
Don't apologise, Owdboggy, I could do with as many aide-memoires as I can get now...
21 Mar, 2012
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This is called proliferation - usually some form of damage causes it - maybe cold, maybe damage to a bud in the early stages, or sometimes just a bit of genetic misinformation. Nothing to worry about.
19 Mar, 2012