By Alandines
United Kingdom
I have a mature, healthy lemon tree growing in my well irrigated front garden in Spain. It is about five feet tall, has a thick trunk and has been regularly pruned. I bought it from a local Spanish garden centre, in a pot, and it was full of lemons, and they planted it for me. I was told that it would fruit twice a year. It has been planted now for almost two years, and has not flowered or fruited at all. The garden centre has now gone into liquidation and is no longer there. What can I do to make it flower and fruit? Somebody told me recently that it is because there are no other lemon trees nearby.
20 Mar, 2012
Usually, when you plant a citrus tree--or most other fruit trees--they will spend the next 3-5 years growing roots and leaves, even if they had fruit in the pot. Have patience, it will eventually start blooming and bearing. Note that regular pruning, especially done too heavily, or the wrong way, may keep it from ever bearing. That idea about needing a pollinator to start blooming is urban legend--country folk know better!
20 Mar, 2012
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For ordinary trees and plants a high potash feed is recommended,.for encouraging flowers and fruit, if your soil is high in nitrogen that could be why the leaves look really healthy. I have just bought a couple of citrus trees for a glass house but really know very little as yet about there care just relying on basic cultivation
20 Mar, 2012