By Mrsbradders
United Kingdom
We have been told that a cordyline australis could be worth some money and have a 25foot tree in our garden. Is this correct and if so what is the best time of year to move it in cornwall and how deep are the roots likely to be?
20 Mar, 2012
Totally agree with Pimpernel. Its only hope of survival if transplanted is taking a root ball so large with it that it would be prohibitively expensive in 'excavation' and transport. I was once pleaded with, and then nagged by, a neighbour who likes buying ready-grown plants, to sell her a 10 foot cordy. At last I agreed with a no-guarantee warning if her husband arranged to lift it and carry it down the road. I pointed out that for weeks she must keep it well watered. She agreed and had one summer of pleasure from it before it died. The roots are *deep* by the way. Not a really practical proposition. Had this question some years ago on another forum. Everybody advised against it (this time it was the buyer asking) but they decided to go ahead anyway. We asked for them to report progress after a year but never heard from them again. Not even a 'nah-nah, told you so.' I think I know why.
21 Mar, 2012
They are worth in the low £££ if they are pot grown by a nursery. As per the above they are not worth the effort if grown in a garden and dug up as they will die as the roots will be damaged. Large rare Palm trees are worth money - not Chusan or Canary! They may be worth digging up but you would have to find a buyer first.
21 Mar, 2012
I'm surprised it might be worth money, they're really commonplace plants these days. Admittedly, lots got killed the winter before last, but even so, they're everywhere.
21 Mar, 2012
It's the *big* ones Bamboo. If you can transplant them that is. I would say 'lol' but 'wry smile' is better.
21 Mar, 2012
Even so, there's 4 of those in the grounds here, and if I look out my window, I can see another 2 elsewhere. One street nearby has 8 in different gardens, all over 18 feet tall. But then I live in London, so maybe they're common here and not elsewhere (other than Torquay, lol)
21 Mar, 2012
It would normally take three years to move an established tree. The first year you cut the roots on one side, and the next on the other side. By the third year there will be a lot of fibrous roots instead of the long woody ones. Then you cut the tap root and move it. I think it all sounds a great deal easier than it would actually be and there is no guarantee that it would survive anyway. And a smaller tree establishes more quickly than a big one anyway.
21 Mar, 2012
Thank you to everyone for your help, chopping it down it is!
21 Mar, 2012
One moment Mrsbradders.....If you chop it down, you may well get dozens of new ones sprouting up!
21 Mar, 2012
Oh dear, nothing is simple is it!
21 Mar, 2012
That problem is easy. If you get extra growth on the old trunk stump just cut suckers off whilst small. Eventually it will give up.
22 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Hmm ..well yes. Any large well grown plant is going to attract a premium price, it is instant WoW !! .
It is also more likely to die on you don't have the basic knowledge of How/When/If..Would you be confident of "selling" a good product ?
20 Mar, 2012