By Kim74
United Kingdom
My question today relates to my previous one!
I have looked at my red cordyline a bit more closely and in fact, it is the new growth leaves that are yellow in colour.
Is there something I can do now that I have establised it is the new leaves that are being affected? Should I trim them down? Should I water the plant? Would additional plant grow help?
Thanks in advance for any kind advice.
21 Mar, 2012
No, no, and no to all 3 of your queries. Just leave it alone - it'll either recover or it won't. Either the growing tip has been damaged by severe weather, and that's causing the leaves at the top to die back, or its in a shady spot and isn't getting enough sun. Hopefully its the latter, but more likely the former. There's nothing you can or should do about it - you will just have to wait and see what happens. Sometimes, when the growing tip has been damaged, the plant shoots from the base or partway up the trunk, if it has formed a trunk already, so it's a wait and see I'm afraid. Water when it needs it, specially in a pot, and in the ground if we have dry spells and it's not been planted that long.
21 Mar, 2012