By Newby15
United Kingdom
are these coleus canina any good ?
21 Mar, 2012
Well I bought one as the blurb said it worked on rabbits as well....Got up the next morning and the little perrishers had completly devastated its dried chilli flakes...that does work
21 Mar, 2012
Seems they're best in pots, lots of 'em and moved around frequently to be effective - or at least, that's what some people said. Others said it didn't make any difference at all.
21 Mar, 2012
cats enjoyed scratching them up and leaving their mess where I had planted them . waste of my money in that case.
21 Mar, 2012
If you mean for keeping cats off, I haven't tried it - all reports of its use and whether its effective or not vary - some people say it has no effect, others say it works well. Its not hardy so won't survive a winter outside here.
21 Mar, 2012