By Poppy2309
United Kingdom
what is the fastest growing and cheapest evergreen tree, to plant for screening
22 Mar, 2012
Thuja plicata the Western Red Cedar could end up being a monster. Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus rotundifolia) quick growing, dense and cheap screening.
22 Mar, 2012
I was thinking of:
Bamboo is not something to dismiss - it is evergreen and grows quickly and makes a great screen.
22 Mar, 2012
Remember that the fastest growing don't stop when they reach the height you want and if they are too vigorous you may be making a rod for your own back. Leylandii are certainly fast , so much so that they are banned by some local authorities, and many others have height restrictions, some 6 feet and some 8 feet so if you are thinking of something this height best check with your council first.
Bamboo sounds a good idea, especially if you put some sort of barrier in the ground to stop it spreading out too much.
22 Mar, 2012
I would not consider Bamboo, its roots are invasive, very messey when it drops its leaves and does not stand up well in the wind and the ravages of winter. Also quite expensive to buy a mature specimen.
23 Mar, 2012
Probably Cupressus Leylandii.
22 Mar, 2012