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front garden more weed than lawn

staffordshire, United Kingdom

i have alot of weeds in my front garden and was wondering what the best thing to do with it is. we have got some grass seed to fill in any bald patches riding the weeds will cause. its not a big garden but certainly wouldnt be able to manage to dig it out and turf. will weedkiller kill the grass too? ( im assuming it would) thanks for any help



I try my best to grub/dig out weeds, NStressful, but if there are too many you may have to resort to a weedkiller. But not a general weedkiller! That will kill the grass as well(as you said). A selective lawn weed killer. You can buy ready to use trigger spray bottles or for larger areas you can get granules which are spread by hand or a spreader. I prefer the liquid ones such as Verdone Extra(lawn weedkiller) as it doesn't burn the grass and is much easier to distribute evenly with a watering can(you dilute it in the can) Also, this is safe to pets and children once it has dried. These are all available at garden centres or Wilkinsons(which is where I usually buy such items)

Hope this helps.
Happy gardening

17 Apr, 2009


thanks paul

17 Apr, 2009


been out today and got verdone extra lawn weedkiller as advised. it says on the packet not to mow the grass 3 days either side of use. it is very overgrown at the min so would it be best to mow it today ad then apply the weedkiller in a few days? thanks

18 Apr, 2009


Yes, Nstressful, that's exactly what I'd do. But don't cut it short. Just take a little off. The reason they say not to cut it straight after cutting is because these kind of weedkillers work by hitting the leaves of the weeds and working their way through to the roots. Therefore, if the grass has just been cut, there will be no weed leaves to take it in. If the weeds are well established, it may need a second application in the early Autumn!

18 Apr, 2009



18 Apr, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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