United Kingdom
I've just built a garden screen to separate my feature garden and my veg patch... the question is.... What should i grow up it? Its approx 15ft long by 6ft high. I'd like something fast growing that looks good all year round if possible. :-)
22 Mar, 2012
maybe a varigated big leaved ivy .
23 Mar, 2012
Need to know whether its in full sun, half sun or very shady - also, what is the screen made of? If you wanted to grow clematis, for instance, that needs thin supports to attach itself to, so something like clematis mesh might need to be added. Honeysuckles and passiflora are twiners - they need a post or something to twine their growth around, so knowing what your screen is comprised of is important.
24 Mar, 2012
Clematis or honeysuckle but others may have other suggestions.
23 Mar, 2012