By Judeg
United Kingdom
Please can someone help me out here. I have bought some plants from a supermarket that look healthy but there are tiny yellow beads in the soil that are easily squashed between fingers. I have been told that these are weevil eggs and to bin the plants or remove all the soil. I thought that the beads were some sort of plant food. Any thought about these & what should I do. Thanks
23 Mar, 2012
Agree with Moon growe - Yellow balls are slow release feed for plants. Slug eggs are smaller and clear, weevil egg stage are very very small and again clear.
23 Mar, 2012
Many Thanks Moon Growe & Kildermorie. That's put my mind at rest. Think my neighbour might have been telling me fibs 'cos my garden's putting hers to shame. LOL :)
24 Mar, 2012
A lot of folk thing the slow release feed balls are slug and weevil eggs.
24 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Far more likely to be a slow release plant food these always look like little tiny beads and squash easily.
23 Mar, 2012