By Harrylynch
United Kingdom
should there be slugs inside my composting bin? I think my composter may be the source of the slugs in the rest of my garden
24 Mar, 2012
I think the composter bin is the source of the slugs in the rest of my garden?
24 Mar, 2012
I find many slugs in the compost bin means less in the actual garden. they do a lot of clearing up too.
24 Mar, 2012
youl probably find that the slugs would be there anyway just hidden somewear else . they need to stay damp to live and in there its easy to find them . id look at it as a plus .
25 Mar, 2012
Slugs lay their eggs and breed in our compost, as in most bins or heaps, they help process the heap. As others have pointed out, it keeps them out of garden mischief. If you catch them at that stage they are together and easier to dispose of in your chosen way.
25 Mar, 2012
great minds dorjac x : )
25 Mar, 2012
Previous question
Yes, it is quite possible, Harry. Slugs eat decaying vegetation - exactly what you put in the bin. By the time the waste is composted the food value for the slugs will have gone, and the slugs with it.
24 Mar, 2012