can plastic plant pots be recycled
By Landayo
United Kingdom
are plastic plant pots recyclable
25 Mar, 2012
As far as I can see they usually have the triangle logo on them with a number in the middle. As long as my local recycling facility or council collection service is happy to sort through and discarded pots go to recycling. I would not like them to go to a land fill site by placing them in our black bags. Your council may have this info on their internet site.
25 Mar, 2012
Charity shops take them,also if there are school gardening clubs in your area,they are always welcome..we can also take ours to a local National trust place for their open days,or anyone involved in doing plant stalls,again,usually a charity..
25 Mar, 2012
I reuse mine when I can. My local council is one of the worst in the country for recycling and tells us they can not be recycled. Also, in my garden recycling bin for compost, they won't take anything bigger than half an inch across, and I pay extra for that bin. Have they not got a chipper? Doh!
25 Mar, 2012
Take them along to your local 'free-cycle' who will be happy to pass them on to folk who need. Our council only recycles plastic bottles anything else regardless of the pretty symbols ends up in landfill. School gardening clubs as already suggested will love and centres for folk with learning disabilities may well do too as they often have communal gardens.
25 Mar, 2012
thank you for the replies to my question about recycling plastic pot plants.I have a sneaky feeling that my council does Not recycle them and most of the other methods are not doable as I no longer have a car.
Thank you Landayo
25 Mar, 2012
Mine just live on a shelf in the shed until I want them again. Our council doesn't recycle them either, but in any case I'm too much of a squirrel to throw anything out that might come in useful later!
25 Mar, 2012
We have someone who runs a one-man garden design and planting company who always needs extra pots. Put out feelers - there may be a similar person in your area
25 Mar, 2012
I don't drive either,Landayo,but a carrier bag full,isn't heavy to take by bus,..lots of charity shops to choose from,if you so wish..shame not to re use them..
26 Mar, 2012
Yes. At least a Garden Centre near to us will take them for recycling.
25 Mar, 2012