By Sparkly
United Kingdom
Growing seeds
I have some cosmos seedlings that need potting on. They have got very leggy, can I pot them on and bring soil up to the leaves or should I leave depth as they are and hope that they don't collapse?
25 Mar, 2012
I think this is the nature of the plant,Sparkly and mine always grow like this...once they have put out more foliage,they should be fine..I just try to remember to keep turning them,to stop them leaning ! hope this helps...
25 Mar, 2012
Hello sparkly! Sounds like your cosmos has been forced a little bit, ie sown/planted too early and kept too warm in your home/greenhouse etc. Pot them on to leaf depth and reduce storage temperature. Plant out in late April or May. I find that cosmos is generally stronger self-seeded straight out into the flower bed in autumn, where it seems to bounce back regardless of ice and temperatures. I just hoe where I don't want it to prevent it getting too far and out of control.
25 Mar, 2012
Thanks. You are right I set them off in a too warm conservatory. I will try potting them on and try direct sowing. I'm not sure how to reply to this really!! Can this be seen by all three of you who replied or do I need to thank each of separately?
26 Mar, 2012
We can all read it, have replied the comments it's available for everyone to read....they should be ok,mine are always started off in a Conservatory..but you just need to make sure they get a light position,but not in glaring hot they are growing,you can stand them outside,to get some fresh air,but I bring mine back in at night..:o)
26 Mar, 2012
Mine have now had three days outside, and in again after tea, and already they are looking stronger and more cheerful. well worth a try until they are strong enough to pot on. Avk,mine don't seem to self seed in situ.
26 Mar, 2012
I agree,Steragram..I can see the difference in mine too..and like yours,mine have never self seeded...
27 Mar, 2012
I will try putting them outsid. Thanks
27 Mar, 2012
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May I join this question, as so have I. I think this is just how they grow from what I remember from last year. I have put mine outside these past two days to try to strengthen them up a bit.
25 Mar, 2012