Tomato Feed
By Veryberry
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Am i right in thinking you can use tomato feed as a general food for all other plants/shrubs aswell?
19 Apr, 2009
I use dry bonemeal as a fertiliser to mix in potting composts and tomato feed as a liquid fertiliser. Tomato feed is relatively low in nitrogen so it will promote the growth of fruits (tomatos), flowers and roots but not so much the green foliage. As I don't want lush foliage on my plants this is the only feed that I use. At the moment I am feeding my potted bulbs that have finished flowering every two weeks with tomato feed.
19 Apr, 2009
Glad this question came up! You've both said what I thought was right, phew!
19 Apr, 2009
Lovely stuff, lol.
19 Apr, 2009
Thanks for all your replies. I feel more confident using the stuff now!
21 Apr, 2009
Excellent! It's a cure for all! Like alcohol to humans equivalent! Lol!
21 Apr, 2009
Yes, the best liquid fertiliser is Tomarite, other than making your own.
19 Apr, 2009