Whar flower is this?
By Truescot
United Kingdom
Found near a stream in Scotland. This beautiful but disgusting smeeling flower was found near a burn in Scotland. What is it?

20 Apr, 2009
Its Very Pretty even if it does Stink lol :)
20 Apr, 2009
is that the same as skunk cabbage?
welcome to GoY too.
20 Apr, 2009
Yes it is the same as skunk cabbage, I have bought some and I want to naturalise them around my pond.
20 Apr, 2009
I would strongly advise you have a sniff of this plant before you commit yourself and your family to the nauseous stink that will pervade your pond retreat. It is truly sickening. I know it looks beautiful and exotic. When I found it there were about 30 - 40 of these plants in the surrounding area close to a burn in a dense woodland. It was a magical sight. But, there are other plants that look equally beautiful without the smell of rotting carcasses whenever you near it, and I mean 2-3 metres. Be warned!
20 Apr, 2009
Yep, I have a few plants like this! I have some Dracunculus Vulgaris as well and that is equally as vile. However, it only lasts for a short time as they make this smell to attract flies to pollunate them, once they have had their fill the smell stops. Nice picture by the way, anyone we know??
20 Apr, 2009
Nobody you know, it's my Grandfather. Its the swirl of the kilt, isn't it?
20 Apr, 2009
Crackin' picture!!
20 Apr, 2009
Lysichiton americanus or Skunk Weed. It must be a garden escape to be in a Scottish burn.
20 Apr, 2009