about rhubarb
By Paws25
United Kingdom
i planted this rhubarb corm last year but this year it has grown a cone shaped flower out of the middle of it could someone please tell me what to do with it thankyou
20 Apr, 2009
Hi Paws and Welcome to GoY...
As your Rhubarb has produced a flower spike you will need to remove it or else it will take all the goodness from the crown and you won't get that many sticks.Either twist off the stalk low down near the base of the crown or use a sharp knife to do the same thing.You can then either compost the flower head & stalk or put it in your recycling bin.
It is advisable not to pull many stalks from the crown in it's first year any way and the next year to increase the picking a bit more but after that you can pick as many as the crown produces but it is best not to pick after July time and each Spring give the crown either some compost or chicken pellets if you use them.I usually give mine a good watering after the feeding so that it helps the food go down and it helps start them into growth....
20 Apr, 2009