Its about my lawn
United Kingdom
Part of my lawn dips, its like a bowl, is there a way I can level it off without digging up the turf.
Thank you
20 Apr, 2009
we had a large bowl shaped dip in our lawn, i ordered a 1 tonne bag of topsoil. spread this over the area and levelled, then reseeded and covered in netting , to stop the birds from eating it all. from memory it was about this time of the year, and by the summer we had a new lawn.
21 Apr, 2009
Hi Milliesgran,
Little Millie won't like the dips in the lawn. The only way to get rid of dips is to cut out a herring bone pattern over them.Lift and roll back the turf, fill the hollow with soil, roll the turf back, tread and roll the turf and water in.
20 Apr, 2009