By Paulb1
United Kingdom
I have recently dug a number of post holes in order to erect trellis. After the first few inches of soil I hit clay which I put into a number of bags as it was unsuitable for refilling the post holes, being very lumpy. With the recent sunny weather, I put some of these lumps in a wheelbarrow to dry them out and then crushed and sieved them, leaving me with a bag of clay particles from orange pip size down to dust. What is the best use of this material, the post holes having already been filled with topsoil and pea shingle? I estimate I would end up with 75l if I crush the rest.
1 Apr, 2012
Agree with Noseypotter - if it was clay subsoil, you don't want that in the topsoil layer.
1 Apr, 2012
Depressing after all that trouble though.
1 Apr, 2012
i know but it is what it is and the hardest part is done . you can legaly dump that soil on common land .especialy if sprinkle it about and dont leave anything like plastic etc .
2 Apr, 2012
Thanks for the comments, even though it's not what I expected or wanted to hear; at least I now know the difference between subsoil and topsoil! Think I will mix with a bag of Homebase topsoil and spread around under the leylandii.
8 Apr, 2012
should be ok like that .
8 Apr, 2012
id dump it to be quit honest .
1 Apr, 2012