By Love3garden
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi, My plum tree has blossomed for the first time and i am over the moon, however the forcast shows a fall in temperature. I live in yourkshire and we will be experiencing temperatures as low as 5 degrees in the day and 0 degrees at night. should i protect the blossoms with fleece?
1 Apr, 2012
thanks for the advice Avkq47. defo will do both as last year it suffered terribly. just so glad its doing so well this year :) so far so good!
1 Apr, 2012
To be on the safe side, and I live in Worcestershire!, at any sign of overnight frost my peaches and plums are fleeced, so yes is the answer. Don't forget in late April to apply a band of vaseline round the trunk to stop saw-fly caterpillars climbing up from the ground and into your flowers and then your fruits. Also the plum moth needs watching out for later in the season - traps available from your local garden centre.
1 Apr, 2012