By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
Has anyone grown perennial sweet pea...ive only grown the annuals and just came across perennial sweetpea seeds...I was thinking of giving it a go.
Has anyone had success with them and what names of flowers are there.
2 Apr, 2012
Ive just got the ones from wilko - everlasting mixed. Think they are Lathyrus latifolius. So im hoping they grow well too.
2 Apr, 2012
Lathyrus latifolius I've grown, but a word of warning - make sure you put it in the right position to start with, they're next to impossible to dig out and move once they've grown. I know, I've tried...
2 Apr, 2012
and they don`t have any perfume.
2 Apr, 2012
thanks everyone...great advice i will give them a go.
2 Apr, 2012
I`ve had mine over ten years, as has been stated be careful as it will take over...
2 Apr, 2012
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There are many species and varieties of perennial sweet peas, Cookygirl. There are climbing ones, as with the annuals, and shrubby ones - all fully herbaceous, dying down to nothing in the winter. In my experience all are very easy to grow to the extent that they self seed readily.
For a very attractive shrubby one, flowering now in our garden, try Lathyrus vernus.
2 Apr, 2012