Which variety of potato is best for growing for baked potatoes in winter?
By Craftnutter
United Kingdom
Hi again, only me!
I'd like to buy some chitted potatoes from the internet for late potatoes, to grow. The supermarket baking potatoes were disgusting for feb and march and I don't want a repeat episode next year.
Does anyone have any experience of growing any? They provide us with a yummy cheap meal every winter, but not if our supermarket keep selling disgusting ones.... :-(
There is nothing worse than having wasted over an hour's gas and anticipation of a lovely potato, to find it soggy, tasteless, watery and crisp in the middle. Such a waste of time and money. We spent a few evenings eating baked beans on toast instead, :-(
20 Apr, 2009
Desiree is the best in my opinion.It is a red skinned variety and is classed as a late {Maincrop} potato.You can put them in the ground now if they have chitted about 12 inches apart not sure how deep as my hubby uses a spud planter, add some chicken pellets then draw up some soil with a rake or draw hoe so that the whole row has a mound along it's length.
When you start to see foliage coming through the soil in three to four weeks time then keep drawing up more soil until there is a lot of growth and then you can stop.Drawing up the soil helps to stop the developing tubers from going green and will protect the foliage from any late frosts.Water occassionaly if we have long dry spells and then when the foliage starts to go yellow and dies down }if the blight hasn't attacked them first in wet weather} Gently scrape away some soil or dig up the nearest one making sure you don't stab the spuds underneath as they will spread outwards and with luck they should be a good size ready for eating.
We find that a lot of the spuds will be quiet large and can be used for either baking,chipping mashing or just enjoying,boiled.
You could always buy some from the supermarket to try to see if you like the taste first,but they won't be half as good as the taste of home grown ones....
21 Apr, 2009
Thanks Llew and Tina2 for your advice! Really helpful, I've decided to go for Cara! May try desiree next year! Thanks again!
23 Apr, 2009
Good choice, Craftnutter.
I like Desiree too, but Cara really are super for baking.
Still no sign of the ones I ordered from the paper and no reply to my email asking when I was going to get them either. tsk! tsk!
24 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Well, I'm no spud expert..in fact I don't know an early from a main so I don't know what exactly you're looking for, lol. But, I do know that Cara is a Late Maincrop (whatever that means) and is a great baker. Golden Wonder is another one.
Does that help? haha.
20 Apr, 2009