By Windy64
United Kingdom
plant ID part 2... Euryops,senecio were two suggestions in october when i asked for an id...... but as you can see theres been a change.
2 Apr, 2012
I think you're right, Andy, although the leaves look very small compared to the flowers.
3 Apr, 2012
Well I still think it is Euryops acraeus.
3 Apr, 2012
I too think it is Euryops acraeus, the leaves are too finely cut for C. maritima and not nearly felted enough.
it seems to be a very compact dome shape, also favouring E.acraeus. The flower is too big compared to the leaf for C. maritima too.
3 Apr, 2012
Euryops, as the others say.
3 Apr, 2012
thanks everyone i thought you would like to see. ;)
18 Apr, 2012
Is that a new picture then,Windy 64? Are you asking something about it?
18 Apr, 2012
Not really bamboo but as you can see ive not had much growth jst flowers 'im thinking is that normal' unless anyone can tell the best location for planting out. ;)
19 Apr, 2012
This plant isn't fully hardy - I had one for 2 years, but lost it in the bad winter before last. Its slow to grow because the weather's cold. Just be grateful it came through the winter if you had it outside all the time... Needs a warm, sheltered, sunny spot - often survives in warmer parts of the country, but in colder regions, best to bring it under cover for winter.
20 Apr, 2012
Looks like the bedding plant Cineraria maritima...a member of the Daisy or compositae family. They're hardy and although not grown for the flowers, they do produce yellow ones as you've found out.
3 Apr, 2012