By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
I want to plant hollyhock but read they are poisonous to dogs and as I have 2 dogs....even tho they just wee on most things and not eat them im wondering if it would be safe to plant some.
3 Apr, 2012
Thanks Bamboo
3 Apr, 2012
ive found having dogs all my life they seam to know the differance between grass and even plants that look like grass unless there puppies so i wouldnt worry to much .
4 Apr, 2012
From a bit of research, it seems that hollyhock is no more toxic to dogs than a host of other plants we grow - some are far more toxic, in fact. Its fair to assume that, if your dog chews and consumes a fair bit of hollyhock, he will be sick, probably quite a lot, but once the vomiting is over, that's it, no more problem.
3 Apr, 2012