Callistemon New Growth?
United Kingdom
Hi everyone.
We bought a Callistemon Bonanza (think its also known as bottle brush) last August and planted it straight away. By early October some of the leaves had began to turn brown and come off, by late October all but a few leaves had turned brown but had not fallen off.
We protected the plant with fleece over the winter. Its now April and I am unable to see any new leaves but the stems at the top have a silvery hair growing on them. All the brown leaves that where on the plant from last october are still attached along with the few green leaves that where also there. The green leaves are brilliant green and have not been affected by the winter weather.
Any advice as to whether the silver hair could be the signs of the plant new growth? Should I leave well alone or should I prune it or should I remove the dead leaves?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I have never had one of these plants before and can find little info on other owners experiencing silvery hair on their stems.
Thank you :0)
On plant
Callistemon viminalis Asked from the GoYpedia
bottlebrushes page

6 Apr, 2012
Hi Bamboo. I will take photos tomorrow for you and upload it so you can see what I mean. Its to dark outside now. Thanks for responding.
6 Apr, 2012
Is your soil acid or alkaline as this particular shrub needs acid soil.
7 Apr, 2012
hello there, its acidic :0)
7 Apr, 2012
Look forward to you posting the photo in that case.
7 Apr, 2012
photos uploaded :0)
7 Apr, 2012
Sorry but I would suggest this is dead...
7 Apr, 2012
i thought so too but when i took the photos yesterday i noticed 2 new little leaves coming through on one of the branches, i scratched the bark and it was green, hooray. I tried scratching some of the other branches and they where brown so i think some branches are dead and some are still alive but majority are dead.Should I cut the dead branches or leave it be?
8 Apr, 2012
Yes cut back all the dead branches and see what happens.
8 Apr, 2012
This plant has died of drought in places - as advised, cut back all dead stems - note that the silvery hairs you're seeing are quite normal on live stems on this plant. It also seems the top of the rootball is slightly proud of the surrounding soil - suggest you dig it up and plant it properly, so that the rootball is completely covered by soil, and then replace the membrane (if that's what the black stuff is) and stones. Keep well watered.
8 Apr, 2012
thank you very much for the input and suggestions, I have replanted and cut what i think are the dead stems off and also seen come green within the stems, also found a few little new leaves coming through when pruning so fingers crossed it will make a nice recovery. thanks again :)
9 Apr, 2012
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I would like to see a photograph of this plant please - both from a distance, the whole plant, and a closer up view of these 'silvery hairs'. I think you can edit your question and add a photograph - if you can upload one that is.
6 Apr, 2012