By Missjasmine
United States
HI, I live In Arkansa zone 7 and have purchased a anglewing Jasmine, I was told To bring It In for the winter but just read that It can be hardy down to 20 degrees. Which is right? Thank you. Leslie
7 Apr, 2012
This plant (Jasmine nitidum) is only hardy in US zones 10 and up, so you will need to bring under cover for winter.
8 Apr, 2012
The tag Is saying 20 dgrees F or - 7 C. Where I have It now is up against a corner of the house I think It's a southern exposer and has a partial part of the roof over It. I could put it next to the deck with better protection but then It wil not get enough sun. Our winter's here are not relly consistant.Like a lot of people, we have had a mild winter but I cant say how It will go for the following winter.
8 Apr, 2012
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Hello leslie ... By 20 degrees hardy, do you mean farenheit which is about -6 centigrade.? If your winters are around this or colder then you need to bring it indoors to prevent it 'burning' and then dying off in the cold. Do you have a coolish to warm area where you can plant it, to save moving it back and forth?
7 Apr, 2012