By Dorothybmc
United States
Is horse manure compost safe for vegetable gardens?
9 Apr, 2012
But how would you know? I just looked it up on Google and was amazed.
9 Apr, 2012
Well you sort of don't know really, Steragram - I wouldn't buy composted horse manure from a stable or similar place, now only buy composted 'animal' manure from the garden centre in the hope its safer...
9 Apr, 2012
Thanks for the info. I am using compost with horse manure that is a couple of years old, and not for root crops - only beans, tomatoes and some herbs.
9 Apr, 2012
Snoop: if it was contaminated with aminopyralid, takes about 3 years to wash out... I think the companies were forced to stop using it about 2 years ago, but I believe they've now reintroduced it, its hard to establish whether that's true or not.
10 Apr, 2012
Yes, provided you're sure its not contaminated with aminopyralid, which is a residue from a Dow Chemicals weedkiller. But manure should not be used on ground where you want to grow root crops.
9 Apr, 2012