By Janetsue
United States
I'm in an 1840 home that sits directly on a busy road (20 off road). We just took down the straggly hemlocks and
are now in a fishbowl. How can I screen out traffic other
than a new row of everygreens?
12 Apr, 2012
Plant a row of Amelanchier Canadensis or similar. Can be a small tree or trained as a bush. Lovely white blossom in spring followed by autumn fruit and glorious leaf colour. They would be a screen in summer when you maybe want to be in the garden but act as a slight noise and vision barrier for passers by in the winter. If it is traffic noise you want to cut out you cannot beat shrubs which grow to 4' or more. I planted a hedge of pyracantha (Evergreen) between a busy road and a house in a similar position to yours. It cuts down on pollution from the road as well. Pyracantha come with Spring flowers and red, yellow and orange berries later in the year. It takes kindly to being cut to a hedge width. The birds don't choose the berries to strip early on in the winter.
12 Apr, 2012
theres an evergreen hedge with similer leaves to box i just cant remember the name that you cut to shape . they used it a lot in your situation as it can take all the smoke etc but stays reasnably healthy and deadens the noise . i cant believe i cant think of it . stick insects eat it . its a common hedge damn lol . im sure someonewill know lol .
12 Apr, 2012
Lonicera Noseypotter?
13 Apr, 2012
is that privatte as thats what i ment . it was used a lot when the first cars came out and still is .
13 Apr, 2012
Privet is Ligustrum. What I was thinking of was a fast growing but easy to care for Lonicera nitida. It only grows to about 3m but will be easily kept to 1 or 2m if that is what is wanted. It is evergreen with small dark green leaves. No flowers or berries. I can't see any way round evergreens for privacy and noise reduction from vehicles.
13 Apr, 2012
me either and private thow a bit slow growing is used for just that . its so dense and hardy that it cuts the noiseand dirt nearly right out thow it is quit high maintanance thow you cant have everything .your plant sounds like a very good idea scotsgran x .
13 Apr, 2012
Thanks NP.
13 Apr, 2012
your more than welcome sg xxx .
14 Apr, 2012
Previous question
« Evergreen hardy climbers in pots? I've just had the front yard done and it's...
Bamboo comes to mind but depends where in the US that you live.
12 Apr, 2012