Have I killed my parrot plant?
By Amac
United States
I just got my parrot plant a couple of weeks ago. I did not know it was not supposed to be in direct sunlight and was watering it everyday. i think I may have killed it. Does anyone know if it has a chance? I am submitting a picture. it looks pretty hopeless- but I hope not. I loved this plant.
On plant
Lotus berthelotii (Parrot's bill)

22 Apr, 2009
Yeah, it is a lotus plant. it is still early in the yyear, so you should go with first answer and cut back, so new growth has time to regrow
22 Apr, 2009
I cut back the plant. there was hardly any healthy leafing left - but enough. However, it was real, real wet. I took it out of the pot and got rid of all of the potting soil around it except for the dirt around the root ball. It was soaking wet. I'm going to let it dry out a bit so it doesn't rot. Yes? No? any suggestions from anyone? And does anyone know how much sun I should give it daily? I live in Murrieta, Ca and it can get pretty hot here. Thanks All!
24 Apr, 2009
I think your plant is in fact a Lotus bertholetii, or parrots bill.These plants do like sun but don't over water-a golden rule with grey foliage plants.It might benefit from trimming back and a feed. Hope thats of help.
22 Apr, 2009