By Windy1964
United States
Some of my Deutzia was damaged by a frost in late March. It looks unsightly so I cut one (of 3) back and now it looks worse. Any suggestions as to what I should to with the other 2? Also, will the one I cut back continue to grow this year as in the past? Thanks.
We have had a strange winter as well. Thank you for your response. Some of the branches are damaged but I will wait and follow your suggestion about cutting back after they of the best parts! Thanks again.
14 Apr, 2012
I would leave the other two. Once they flower in June they will need to be cut back (after flowering). The bush will then produce new growth where next years flowers will grow. Did the frost kill the branches or just foliage. I would not cut back frost damaged bushes until after the danger of more frost is past because what is there offers a protective canopy to trap warmer air necessary to protect the lower parts of the plant. Deutzia is a fairly sturdy plant especially if it has been in for more than a season or two. In UK we have had such an odd winter weather wise that plants are very confused about what is going to hit them next. It has not been a typical winter and spring perhaps you are having the same trouble.
15 Apr, 2012