By Barnyboy
United Kingdom
Morroccan broom seems to be yellowing and new flower buds not forming properly and looking sorry for itself.
Pruned end of last season but only as I usually do and it's been ok before.
Anybody help?
15 Apr, 2012
The Moroccan or Pineapple Broom, Cytisus battandieri is only semi-evergreen but has taken quite a hammering during the last winter and has probably lost most of its leaves. I would wait until next month and give it a good feed with something like Vitax Q4, which contains a balanced fertiliser and lots of added extras which should give it a boost and make it green up. A light pruning wouldn't do too much harm.
16 Apr, 2012
These are not long lived plants, so if you've had it a few years, it maybe getting ready to shuffle off this mortal coil. Otherwise, they don't like lots of wet, cold weather, specially after it was fooled by the lovely weather in March. I think I'm right in believing you've been very wet up there? If that's the case, and you've had a big temperature drop, it might be that - new growth has been nipped back by cold weather, flower buds too.
15 Apr, 2012