I have a curly willlow tree and it has some dead strands/branches coming from the trunk, which seems to have some form of damage. The other trunk parts seem OK - is it a 'Nelly the Elphant cut off the dead ttunk and said goodbye to the garden jobby'?
By Weepywillow
Chriss Guy
7 rue de L'Orme
Arcy sur Cure
89270 France
tel 0033 3 86 81 90 75
23 Apr, 2009
yes mate realy close to the trunk or thicker branch so it can heal easier.
23 Apr, 2009
Hi Chriss yes prune back to live wood.
23 Apr, 2009
hope that sorts your dilema it should
23 Apr, 2009
No idea, but what a cheerful question. Love the elephant comparison.
Yours trumpettingly,
23 Apr, 2009