By Garrdio
I have a Lithodora plant but it has flowers on the top of the plant the rest of the plant is bare and woody, do I trim it right back after flowering?
23 Apr, 2009
The book says trim back after flowering. Mine is two years old now. Its probably best to treat it a bit like lavender. They hate root disturbance, you can propagate by semi ripe cuttings in mid summer/autumn. So if you do give him a trim stick some in a pot and see what happens.
23 Apr, 2009
Hi Garrdio I remember GOY member Terratoonie saying her Lithodora going woody so she took Cuttings :)
23 Apr, 2009
Thank you for your replies, if I trim it I will have nothing left as it only has a few leaves and flowers on the very top of the plant, so I will try some cuttings and disgard the rest after flowering.
24 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Lithodora, you do mean the vigorous low growing plant with blue flowers?, is a tough little brute and requires trimming back quite hard. Do leave some leaf growth on though, otherwise you will kill it. On the other hand you might find it better to just take this plant out altogether after flowering and replace it with a new one.
23 Apr, 2009