By Eileen1001
United Kingdom
when is the correct time to transplant a camelia
19 Apr, 2012
Hi I agree with Moon Grower its always tricky.
Depends how long its been growing in the same spot, if its years eeekk.
How old is it ?
How big is it ?
Why do you want to move it ?
But you can prepare it now and move in the Autumn
you need to dig a trench about 3 feet in a circle from the main stem/s dig down 18 inches and cut all the roots out and then refill with fresh compost and keep waterd through the summer , what the shrub will do over the summer it will make finer roots so when you decide to move in the Autumn dig out the trench again and undercut at least 18 inches and pull a plastic sheet underneath the shrub and gather all the roots up to keep the soil together replant at the same depth and you need to protect from the wind as its a evergreen plant it will lose water very quickly and if you have hard frost for days and strong wind the plant cant take up the water for the leaves and the leaves will eventualy turn brown so as you can see somtimes its just best to leave them.
19 Apr, 2012
GG very clear info there all well worth following Eileen.
20 Apr, 2012
Oh dear camellias really don't like being moved if you must do so then late autumn early winter and be prepared to keep well watered and to lose the flowers for next year.
19 Apr, 2012