By Dorjac
United Kingdom
In answer to question 'How long do Violas last for?'

20 Apr, 2012
Mine are looking good too, in a big trough I,ve a mix of small plants, the violas have,
I think, been in for four years and still look ptretty
20 Apr, 2012
I grow one called skippy had it since early 90's, I take cuttings late summer (easy to do) and they seed as well longest lived one I think was 3 to 4 years
20 Apr, 2012
I too am experimenting ith permament planting in baskets D. That aubretia looks very good. The pansies are also such a cheerful flower at this time of year.
20 Apr, 2012
I see what you mean Dorjac. Those are doing as well as mine.
21 Apr, 2012
Hi Scotsgran. I would probably put my new violas under the canopy if a serious frost was forecast, but it would be back out all the rest of the time. If you are further north more caution is best. I hope to combine the Aubretias with a golden Lysymachia and a trailing tuberous Begonia.
21 Apr, 2012
That will look good. Looking forward to seeing your baskets later on in the year.
21 Apr, 2012
I have had viola plants in a shallow pan for pwards of 6yrs now. just tp dress soil regularly and dead head and give a light trim after each flush of flowers.
21 Apr, 2012
These violas were bought? last September. Looking rather grotty a while back. Bit of a trim, some top soil removed and water gel crystals and fertilser bobbles put near roots and a bit of fresh compost on top and they are off blooming again. The aubretias are an experiment in a more permanent basket planting and a source of cuttings too.
20 Apr, 2012