By Lindekbl
United Kingdom
I've seen a tree in a garden which has green leaves in winter and they are now turning red, I think it has fruit or flowers in summer, do you know of such a tree
21 Apr, 2012
When you say tree, did it have a thick trunk with all the growth at the top? Or did it have leaves most of the way to the ground?
Dido - this is related to the previous question, where the description was 'small leaves', so not sure it can be Photinia, the leaves aren't small.
Lindekbi: Answer beneath here, by clicking in the box.
21 Apr, 2012
Just read answers. The branches were quite low to the ground. Thanks for answer
22 Apr, 2012
Photinia then, most likely, its not really a tree, its a large shrub, gets about 12 to 16 feet eventually.
22 Apr, 2012
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There is a shrub Photinia "Red Robin" which sort of fits your description the new growth in spring produces the red leaves it can grow to tree hight, give it a google!
21 Apr, 2012