By Murrr432
United Kingdom
could you please tell me does DICHLOROPHENOXYATIC Acid actually KILL Couch Grass and if so is it safe to use on a lawn.
21 Apr, 2012
And anything that kills any sort of grass will kill all of it.
22 Apr, 2012
You appear to have added a bit to your original question, very confusing - yes, 2,4D is safe to use on lawns - although I believe its been withdrawn now, it was one of the components in a liquid lawn weedkiller some years ago.
22 Apr, 2012
Which "couch grass" do you want to control? Elymus, or Cynodon?
23 Apr, 2012
Previous question
2,4D will not kill couch grass, it's a broad leaf weedkiller.
21 Apr, 2012