What plant am I?
By Nobuko
United States
I am no authority on plants... Could someone please help to identify this plant I received from my boss? On the sticker it only says bonsai. I would like to make every effort to keep it alive; considering that my boss gave it to me... I have NO green thumbs!
Thank you for any feedback!
24 Apr, 2009
Could be - does not look like - frankly given the hight of the leaves I'd replant immediately in an neutral compost... Sorry no idea what is is
24 Apr, 2009
Do the leaves look a bit laurel-ish?
24 Apr, 2009
Frankly looks to me like it was bought somewhere like Lidl as a bonsi plant... that container isn't going to hold the poor plant up for any length of time!
24 Apr, 2009
Well, it might be in a bonsai pot, but I doubt very much that it's a bonsai. Bonsai are miniature trees etc, and this one looks like it has full size leaves and is a poor house plant shoved in a fancy pot.
I'd go with Moon Grower and put it in a much larger pot in a good potting compost.
The leaves do look familiar, but the name escapes me. Sorry. I'll try and remember.
24 Apr, 2009
I agree, Llew - a laurel-type of shrub is just not bonsai-friendly!
24 Apr, 2009
The way those leaves are arranged makes mr think it could be a Monoctyledon, Like Lilies , Arums and other similar plants
24 Apr, 2009
I think Poaannua is on the right track-it could be an araceae of some description, it looks healthy so I would leave it for a while and see if it flowers as that would help I.D it.I think its rather sweet.
25 Apr, 2009
As it 'claims' to be bonsai I doubt greatly it is any of the lily family! There is no room in that pot for any type of bulb... I'd still say repot in an a normal size pot in neutral compost.
25 Apr, 2009
Thank you all so much for your responses... although I still have no idea what it is :O). So far... a week or so later it is still doing well. There is actually a newly unfolding sprout (leaf) coming out. No sign of any flowers. My boss is a LTC and he picked it up at the PX... so that may account for the misleading bonsai label on the container. It is actually a very nice planter.... complete with pretty small white stones and some kind of mossy covering around the leaves on the bottom. I am terrified to repot this, and have no idea how to... when and how will I know it needs to be repotted? Thank you all again!
3 May, 2009
It looks very well established in the pot, Nobuko, hence the moss growing round the base. If it's doing well, and you feel happier, leave it in there, but I still don't think it's a proper bonsai. The leaves are far too large.
Personally, as it's getting new growth, I wouldn't repot now, I'd wait until it stops this years growth, but if you were careful and made sure you got the whole rootball and all the soil (which I suspect will be a solid mass by now) you just carefully remove from that pot, put fresh potting compost in a much larger pot and then put the new one in, filling around the root ball. Make sure the surface of the plant is no more than an inch lower than the surface in the new pot.
3 May, 2009
Llew - hate to throw a spanner in the works but I reckon the moss was added like a top dressing for show
3 May, 2009
Ah, you may well be right MG. Yes, I've known that done too.
3 May, 2009
Could be a Ficus.
24 Apr, 2009