By Gooseygander
United Kingdom
Plant ideas for a shady spot?
Hi, I've got a narrow raised border that runs along a north facing wall which has a huge ivy (30 year old) growing above it. I'm struggling to get much to grow in this bed, particularly in the north east facing corner. I think that the ivy is stopping the rain getting to it.
Can anyone suggest anything, preferably shrubs or perrenials that would like those conditions? Also there seem to be a lot of snails in that bed, so anything tasty doesn't last long, I lost a phlox (& many other new plants) to snails last year.
Any ideas welcome!
P.S. I've got a portugal laurel & a viburnum tinus that I'm thinking of moving from somewhere else in the garden - would they grow in these conditions?
22 Apr, 2012
Hardy geraniums should be OK. I have geranium macrorrhizum Ingwersens variety that grows anywhere and everywhere and makes good ground cover too and keeps the weeds down.
23 Apr, 2012
I have an area that sounds similar - is northwest facing.
Growing away happily are a Hydrangea, Hellebore and Vinca Minor, with Daffs, Aconites and Bluebells for early spring colour.
I also have a couple of passionflower there for mid height interest.
To give it some height I have a flowering currant and Sutherland gold.
I'll try and upload a picture to give you a better idea.
24 Apr, 2012
Geranium macrorrhizum will grow anywhere and the will cover the ground well . The snails don't like it that much either. Heuchera will work to (as long as the soil is free draining....otherwise the roots will rot off over winter, (I lost a few to this.) Sarcococcas (sweet box) will work too, it's evergreen and my snails have not been near it.
24 Apr, 2012
Thanks everyone. Sounds like a shopping trip to the garden centre.
I like the idea of the Geranium.
Also quite fancy investing in some different types of Heuchera, which will add some great colour. The snails seem quite keen on the one I currently have though so will need to invest in some more slug pellets unless anyone can suggest anything better to get rid of them?
26 Apr, 2012
Previous question
I have a Fuchsia 'Marinka' It loves shade. I think that the snails will eat anything that's going.
Gail x
22 Apr, 2012