By Ginabefree
United Kingdom
can primulas that are in pots be replanted in the garden and will they grow next year?
24 Apr, 2012
Totally agree with Bamboo... if they are happy will grow away for yonks!
24 Apr, 2012
How many yonks in a decade Moon grower?
24 Apr, 2012
I think it is how many decades in a yonk Anchorman :-)
25 Apr, 2012
MG is right - there are yonks of decades in a yonk.
25 Apr, 2012
It's yonks since I heard anyone use the word yonks...
25 Apr, 2012
Lol Beattie and Bamboo...
25 Apr, 2012
Arrh, that's acos you lives in that fast-paced Lunnon-town Bamboo. Us rural folks knows our useful outmoded words. Like "teasy" ("ee's a bit teasy acos of those dratted seagulls dancin on the roof of a mornin") an "dreckly". "I'll do it dreckly" means "you might as well get started on it soon as you like acos I'm not goin to look at it til I darned well feel like it and that won't be afore next week. At the earliest."
25 Apr, 2012
Hee hee, funny Beattie. Don't get me started on common lingo down here - having been heartily thankful to see the back of the ubiquitous 'innit', which appeared to be a full stop of some kind at the end of a spoken sentence, or some sort of Tourette like response, we're now treated to 'like' about every 3 words in what passes for a sentence these days.
26 Apr, 2012
Sentences, they speak in sentences in London?
26 Apr, 2012
And sorry Gina we are simply having fun now
26 Apr, 2012
Don't get me started on "like"! My youngest couldn't say more than 3 words at a time without inserting "like". Then he got a job teaching English! We thought we'd be able to pick out his students easily, "like". But when we visited him after he'd been away for a long time, he was virtually cured. :-) Amazing!
26 Apr, 2012
Previous question
Yes and yes, but plant where its damp and shady, they don't like to dry out.
24 Apr, 2012