By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
Could any body give me some advice,
I have salvaged a plastic drum to turn in to a water butt it’s new but it has had some sort of chemical in it but I don’t know what it was it smells like coliform.
What I want to no how and what to use to clean it
so its safe for my plants and seedlings Cheers
25 Apr, 2012
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water butts & barrels
Agree with Bamboo unless you know exactly what it had in it before. Powder chemicals will leach into the plastic and remain there no matter how you clean the barrel.
25 Apr, 2012
About the best you could do would be to get some rain water out of it and water a plant you did not want and see what happens. Certainly would not use it on anything I was going to eat.
And did you mean 'chloroform'? I ain't smelt that since I was 4.
25 Apr, 2012
You could always pot up some weeds or unwanted plants and try watering them with the rainwater that you collect. Then see if they survive!!
25 Apr, 2012
Volunteer, if I tried that,the weed would survive, and when I watered a plant I want to keep it would die.
The weeds always seem to have a better grip on life than plants you want to keep, like the old saying , if you want to know if it,s a prized plant or a weed, try pulling it up, if it comes up easily it,s a prized plant, if it,s hard to pull up then it,s a weed! Derekm.
26 Apr, 2012
cheers to all ;-))
27 Apr, 2012
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I'm sorry to say that I wouldn't use it as a water butt, not without knowing what it held originally - so long as you can smell whatever was in there initially, traces will still be present, and may even have permeated the interior plastic surface.
25 Apr, 2012