By Ajvegetables
United Kingdom
Hi there. I have a very mature silver birch tree in my garden which has just started to leaf, however some of the leaves have come out brown while others are green.
In the winter I removed my patio to make space for a vegetable patch and in doing so I uncovered a few of the top straggly roots. I have also got chickens living under the tree now. Could either of these be causing the problem and if so can I do anything to help the tree?
Thanks, Alex
26 Apr, 2012
we had a short sharp frost at a bad time for new buds id imagine its probaBLY SOMETHING LIKE THAT . IT SHOULD BE FINE AS ITS GOT THIS OLD AND MATURE . JUST MAYBE NOT SO GOOD THIS YEAR .
27 Apr, 2012
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Hi Alex and welcome to GoY. A mature silver birch tree should be able to survive chickens scratching round it and your removing the patio to create a veggie patch. Firstly can you add a couple of photos to your question, 1 of the whole tree (or as much as you can get in a photo) and one of the leaf damage. Secondly where do you live in the UK?
26 Apr, 2012