By Msdadee
United Kingdom
will you reply to the question asked
27 Apr, 2012
Msdadee this is a gardening forum lots of enthusiastic amateur and professional gardeners who pop in for half an hour or so. We do not have a group of people sitting waiting for questions to appear whereupon they immediately answer them. Be patient and someone with knowledge of Photenia will answer you.
27 Apr, 2012
You have two very good answers now from very knowledgeable gardeners, you can also put Photinia into the search box top right for more questions and answers on the subject
27 Apr, 2012
Gawd, the temptation to respond to this with no is almost overwhelming.
However, I have taken the trouble to check what your original question was - you have two answers which you may or may not find helpful, but if you want more accurate answers, it will be necessary to post photographs of the shrubs concerned, preferably both from a distance and some close up, and provide information about which region of the UK you live in. Have you inspected the ailing shrubs from top to bottom, looking at all stems and branches and under the backs of leaves for signs of infestation or disease?
27 Apr, 2012
How rude !!!
27 Apr, 2012
No, not really Jenfren a lot of folk imagine there is a team of experts sitting waiting to answer any and all questions - rather like a phone in on a gardening prog. on the radio.
27 Apr, 2012
Didn't give it long before getting stroppy! :-?
27 Apr, 2012
But Msdadee you only asked your question today - have a little patience! After all you give very little information to go on and although there are many knowledgeable gardeners on here none have second sight as far as I know. However I hope someone will be able to help. Can upload some photos?
27 Apr, 2012
And the other problem, Jenfren, is that its impossible to tell what tone this question is using - verbally, it might sound plaintive or pleading, or it might be cross and impatient. Its very hard not to jump to cross and impatient though, given there was no please or anything...
28 Apr, 2012
Anyway he hasn't come back so we don't know if the answers were any use after all.
1 May, 2012
That is a pet peeve of mine... we take the time to give an answer and the person asking the question doesn't even say 'thank you'.
2 May, 2012
thank you all for replying having never been on this site
or any other site I did not know how it works .
so if you think that my last question was offensive
I apoligise
thank you for your comments
2 May, 2012
Good to see you did come back after all Msdadee and I hope the answers you got were helpful. Welcome to Goy and we hope to hear from you again.
2 May, 2012
As you,ve probably gathered we're a friendly, chatty lot so hopefully you'll enjoy it
3 May, 2012
Apology accepted Mcdadee, look forward to more questions from you.
3 May, 2012
Martin, this second question reads rather offensively although I am sure that this was not your intention.
Questions on this forum page are answered by an international group of virtual friends with an interest in gardening all busy working away in our gardens or at our day jobs. When some one comes in for a cup of tea and logs on they will answere your question if they know the answere. I don't grow red robins so I cannot give you an answere.
27 Apr, 2012