Mystery plant
By Larkspur
Can you tell me what this house plant is?

22 Apr, 2008
I am sure it is - they need watering as soon as the leaves droop. They don't like being in the sun.
22 Apr, 2008
Hi! You have a spathiphyllum. or as Scotkat said...a peace lily.
do not allow them to wilt between waterings... lift the pot if it feels light needs water...if it's still heavy stick your finger down about an inch below the surface if it's moist don't water...if it's dry give it a good dunking. If you tend to kill your plants with kindness(overwater) then put it in a clay pot, otherwise a plastic pot is fine.
the blossom is scented and the pollen is white and powdery. They are one of the few plants who can tolerate very little direct light, in fact, they prefer a shady location if you are going to put it outside on a balcony or deck. The leaves will scald if they get too much light.
23 Apr, 2008
Thank you all for your quick replies, I have been searching all my books for the answer for ages. I've had the plant for quite a while (inherited it with the house) and was very surprised when it flowered. It does live in a shady spot, and is in a ceramic pot. Unfortunately there are no signs of any more flowers.
23 Apr, 2008
Hi there Lori is spot on, another thing that they hate is central heating, so keep it well away from boillers and rads, good luck!
23 Apr, 2008
I have one of these Peace Lillies too, it hasn't flowered for the last two years and is getting quite large now. Does anyone know if I should repot it, feed it can I get it to flower again. The flowers are lovely and last for ages.
23 Apr, 2008
Sometime they just want a rest! lol.... and then they will pick up and bloom again for awhile ...then rest again...keeping them moist is important, I think. when the flower has faded remove the stem by cutting it back. sometimes you can stimulate bloom by removing the flower before it releases it's pollen... Don't you love the fragrance? Greenfingers: I think your peace lily is so happy and comfortable that he is taking an extended rest... night temps of at least 10 degrees less than the day temp may also start them... I don't think that they are photoperiodic...(require set # of hours of light and darkness) If you are able, try putting it outdoors in the shade..but don't forget to water it.
25 Apr, 2008
Could it be a peace lily.
22 Apr, 2008